
21/7/2016 - Queen Wiske's Day

70 years ago Willy Vandersteen wrote “Het Eiland Amoras” (The Island Amphoria), the first adventure of Suske en Wiske, who have become world famous in Dutch speaking areas. Wiske is crowned queen of the island state Amphoria in this album, and needs to fix a fierce dispute between the thin and the fat. 70 years later, the Comics Art Museum is proud to invite Leen Huet, art historian and biographer of Brueghel the Elder, to explain why Vandersteen is often called "the Brueghel of Flemish comics". Conference in Dutch and French. 

The museum is free for all those who dress up as Suske or Wiske!

Conference by Leen Huet, art historian: 2 pm (Dutch) - 2:30 pm (French)

Signing session Charel Cambré (Amoras) 3 pm - 5 pm

Treasure hunt in the museum: In comic strips maps often show the heroes the way to exotic islands, submarine cities, shipwrecks, adventures and treasures!  We have recently found a map of the comic museum with a few mysterious crosses... Try to decode it and find the treasures of the comic strip world! Treasure hunt in French and Dutch. Start every 15'.


13/8/2016 - Liefde is... Strips & Speeddating!

Comics are full of emotions, a laugh and a tear, a touching story and the impossible that becomes possible. Who wouldn't like to meet his superhero or heroin in between two panels of the comic universe? In collaboration with Smartvibes de Comics Art Museum organises on 13 th of August a speeddating session. In French or Dutch. 

Registrations mandatory via Smartvibes.


Past events

21-22/5/2016 - Opening Weekend

The Comics Art Museum is proud to be a part of the 100 masters campaign with two official masterworks, and much more to be discovered! During the opening weekend there will be themed guided tours on Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Our guides will take you on a tour of the most beautiful pieces on show this summer in the museum. We will give in-depth explanations and zoom in on each of the individual pieces. What is the story behind these drawings? How did the artist lay out his work? Which techniques are used? The guides also focus on the key issues for the collection workers: how can they build a collection? What are the conservation issues? 

Start of the guided tours: 2 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.

For families there are questionnaires available at the reception guiding you towards the most important creators of the comic strip world.


25/6/2016 - Brussels Smurfs Day

Very often Smurf fans all over the world will gather to dress up as Smurfs together. They will run a marathon in Smurf style, organise a flashmob with Smurf dances and have a lot of fun together. Today we organise a Belgian Smurf Day in the museum to celebrate the little creatures that have started out in Brussels to conquer the world. Access to the museum is of course free for all those who dress up as Smurfs.

Signing session by Miguel Diaz, drawing artist at Studio Peyo: 10 a.m.-12 a.m.

Free guided smurfs, in Nedersmurf, Schtroumpf and Smurfish - 2 p.m. and 4 p.m.

Free grime for kids: 11 a.m. -1 p.m. and 2 p.m.- 4:30 p.m.

Free smurf questionnaire with did-you-smurf-this and games

Smurf hunt. 10 smurfs keep on hiding in the museum. Retrieve them and have a chance to win smurfy prices!     

Free entrance for visitors dressed in smurfs !

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